Friday, April 13, 2007



So its been a month...I guess I should blog something, I mean I do have a would make sense to use it :-) What has been going on lately? Well, I just finished my first year of college as of today...Woohoo! I do need to say, a miracle took place this week. Normally a week or so before an exam, I start getting stressed out and sometimes may even go through a couple days of depression because of the overwhelming expectation that I need to pass no matter what. Ok, so a pass in my point of view, for me is at least a 70%. However, this week was different. I started out studying like normal, but I had such an relaxing, peaceful time doing so and in fact, I didn't feel stressed at all. It was weird..I think I just started to get the hang of what it means to just take one day and one moment at a time. What else is going on? Oh! Right! I'm going to be an aunt for the first time! Yay! Anyways, I'm off...blessings on your head!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Humble Moments

Have you ever been at the end of your rope with your patience? I can't handle listening to a family member (who has a severe disability, and can't speak verbally) of mine screaming mornings and evenings anymore. Its horrible! I hate it because I don't know what their reason(s) are. Its frustrating....and I hate it! I was taught not to take it personally, but how can you if you hear it day after day for awhile, and want to free them. I can't be patient anymore....not with my own will and power at least....I'm just surviving by God's grace...and His unconditional love. Ugh! I can't wait until they're least verbally....that will be an amazing site to see..then I can understand them and actually talk to them and expect a response to come from them on a verbal basis...they respond now but I don't think it'll be the same as when they can actually put words to their thoughts and feelings. Anyways, I needed to vent a is me in my humble moments I don't like being vulnerable, really thats the last thing on my list. Thank you Jesus for your strength....I know I'm not where I am out of my own strengths....but out of your Grace and Agape Love! (I just learned what the different kinds of love are, so I figured I can use one of the these terms!)

Friday, February 2, 2007

Long Time.....I know


I know its been a LOONNNGGG time since I last posted, but what can I say? I've been busy....ok...thats just an excuse, I am not the blogger type, but I feel like I should say something. Hmmm.....what to say.....well latly God has been humbling me in a more "social" setting. For example, I went to this 2 part course called "Its Your Call" put on by Samuel's Mantle (Prophetic Ministry...very cool;) Lets just say this was not what I was thinking it would be. I was not expecting to actually be interactive with others, a bunch of strangers, and share my deepest thoughts with them. So I knew this was God's purpose for me to be there cause it was really, and annoyingly (is that a word?????) pushing my "boundary" and "spiritual" buttons. Ok, so in short, He decided to answerr a prayer request I brought to Him long teach me how to really be real with others and confessing my sins to my brothers and sisters to one was answered, but not how I thought it would be. And you know what else is funny, the exact same thing happened two weeks this housechurch I go to. So yeah, thats what God's been up tp in my life these days. I have to say, its harder to believe that there is no God than to believe that there is a God, cause my prayers were just to warn you....and encourage you....keep praying the deepest things of your heart and ask Him to heal you of w.e they may be....the warning is: its painful....but the encouragement is: that He exists and He heals, and will actually never leave you nor forsake you.
Peace and Blessings----I mean what I say;)

Thursday, January 11, 2007



Have you ever wondered what to do after you grad? Well, I'm at that stage now, and its so exciting yet many options...yet so much $$$! How can someone be expected to get a post-secondary education...and grad with some kind of degree.....but have a 50-100 thousand dollars in debt! Man so much for being relieved that you're done your get a whole life to pay off those debts! Oh well...I know God's got everything under control....I live for Him and He is the focis of my life, thats all that matters. Anyways, enough ranting and raving about debt and school....I came to a conclusion...GIVE IT TO GOD! Ha! what a revelation!

Blessings and Love


Monday, January 8, 2007

Who am I?


So its always good to introduce yourself......well, at least thats what I was taught when I was very little. Anways, hmm where to start? I love travelling, I have a desire to go out to the Middle East where all the excitement is happening...haha....and spread the Love and Life of Christ to the broken hearted. I also love music. I was blessed to be part of a project with an awesome brother of mine (in Christ....not I play violin, djembe, and am working on guitar and piano. Oh! yeah....I know what else, I have a desire to know God in a deeper way, whether it is intellectually (hopefully, I mean its always good to think about God) and also in my heart. Lately, for the past year, God has been breaking my heart, and mind....I have to say, although it seems like the end of the world, I know that whenever I come to a new level of of relationship with Him, life starts. Its weird..but its God, we can't fully understand Him, well, while we're here on earth without His whole Glory prescence! Anways, I'm off.
Blessings and Love to all!




I am just making a blog so I can leave some posts on other blogs, otherwise, I'm not much of a blog person. Anyways, Aufwiedersehn!